The MotoRefi Upgrade

Website Redesign 2018

Project Summary
For a young fintech company refinancing auto loans online, our outdated marketing site was scaring away customers. We needed to overhaul the site as quickly as possible. A brand evolution helped to highlight our friendly team and top of the line product.
Skill Areas
  • Information Architecture
  • Visual Design & Illustration
  • User Testing
  • Code Maintenance

Project Background

In fall 2017, I joined MotoRefi as their first full-time designer. I jumped at the chance to help launch a complex product and work with a wonderful team of engineers and experts. By mid-2018, we had a viable platform that was attracting new customers. And yet our support team was consistently reporting calls with prospectives who asked whether we were a legitimate company.

The outdated marketing site was an unsettling welcome mat to folks on the hunt for a safe, simple way to refinance their car loan. As a fintech startup, we needed our site to reflect our top-notch service.

The original site looked archaic and ill-fitting for a fintech company. Trust is crucial in a high-stakes transaction like refinance and this site caused customers to question our legitimacy.

Diving into the Redesign

We needed to flip the marketing site, fast. With this project as my primary focus, I established a rough timeline and turned my attention to aligning our goals and strategy. I drew on competitive analysis to form a baseline as we determined our direction and the major pieces of information we needed to surface to customers. Once we had settled on a content-driven outline and core best practices, I set out to wireframe the major moments of the new site – on the Homepage, How It Works, FAQs, About Us, and Contact pages. I worked with Product, Marketing, and Engineering leaders to flesh out the details of each area.

With information architecture in a good place, I explored visual directions. The loan and refinance industry was cluttered with sterile and often outdated and clunky websites. We needed ours to stand apart and we needed to evolve our brand and design language in order to do so. For visual inspiration, we looked to our "North Stars" of design (in this case, companies who also offer complex products and manage to strike a great balance of approachability and tech-enabled expertise). These so-called spiritual competitors included Lemonade (home + rental insurance) and TurboTax among others.

Based on my research, I recommended we aim to emanate institutional expertise and friendly support in our design communication. We needed to match user expectations of what a financial service should look like. But we also needed to leverage our competitive advantages – robust technology and stellar customer support.

For most major site redesigns, I would strongly advocate to pause in these early stages and test assumptions. You can save weeks (and months) of wasted time and effort by simply taking a few days to gauge reactions from target customers. However, this was an exceptional scenario for our lean team. Our priority was to flip the marketing site as quickly as possible – any thoughtful updates rooted in best practices would be a step in the right direction. Testing would come later in this particular process.

I drew from my background as an information architect to quickly move through a round of wireframing for desktop and mobile.

Visuals: From Illustration to Animation

The original company brand guide was limited. Our colors consisted of vibrant blue and green, a few supporting shades of dark blue and gray, and a shock of orange that signaled any issues in the product flow. I knew we would need to incorporate illustration into the marketing site as too many stock photos of people and cars would appear phony and dull. So, I set to work firming up our set of primary blues, secondary shades of gray (warming them up slightly to better convey approachability), and introduced a new set of accent colors – gold and peach – to help bring our illustrations to life.

I also set out to find a new headline font to complement our system-wide Roboto. Barlow Semi Condensed has a cheerful affect but can still be taken seriously. I chose the semi-condensed version knowing that some of our headlines and content could get quite lengthy.

From there I was off to the races. Working as a solo designer, it was an intimidating task to tackle all of the visuals but I was excited for the challenge.

In expanding our design language, I aimed to build on our blue/green palette, making it more versatile and supportive of friendly illustrations.

To gain trust points with prospective customers, we incorporated our Better Business Bureau (BBB) badge and rating as well as customer testimonials. We also included partner logos who already had brand traction with our audience (e.g. Equifax, TransUnion, CarFax).

In our post-launch user testing, participants mentioned that the partner logos should be more prominent. As one user put it, "these companies wouldn't work with MotoRefi if it wasn't a legitimate business". In the ensuing round of iteration that I led, I replaced a customer testimonial right below the hero image with the familiar company logos, helping to further legitimize our web presence.

Why did I choose to replace the testimonial, you may be asking? Well, another interesting finding from our research was that about 1 of every 3 test participants didn't trust testimonials at all. A few of the users I interviewed mentioned that they believe companies write their own reviews! Armed with this newfound knowledge, we swapped out the featured testimonial (rather than find another place for it).

One of the areas I strongly pushed for was including headshots of our support team members next to the company’s contact information. This wasn't because we've got some of the best smiles in the business (I’m biased). Our customers consistently raved about our support team. And in the world of digital finance, speaking with a human has unfortunately become a rarity. Our stellar support is one of MotoRefi’s competitive edges and a strong reason to draw attention to our team.

Our post-launch user testing confirmed that my assumption was correct. The majority of participants commented on the headshots as a positive feature and one that encouraged their trust in us.

Something new we learned from testing: similar to the minority of users who distrusted testimonials, there was a small subgroup of users who didn't trust headshots. A few participants mentioned that they didn't believe these photos were actually real people who worked for MotoRefi. (On one hand, I was flattered that the photos I had shot and edited with a cheap green screen were being interpretted as professional stock photos. On the other hand, we would need to find a better long-term solution that would make these headshots more personalized to our company.)

I persuaded leadership to incorporate headshots of our support team on the Homepage. Later user testing proved that my assumption was correct: the photos reassured users that they could easily call us and speak with a helpful human rather than a bank bot.

Adventures in Code

As I finalized designs for the new site, one of our lead developers worked to build components in our first ever pattern library. Once those were edited and finalized, we started to bring the site to life. At each stopping point, I paired with engineers to tweak CSS where needed and fill in any gaps in the responsive grid.

One of the areas where designer/developer pairing was especially rewarding was solving the ever-present problem of team headshots on the About Us page. In any company, turnover is inevitable. My design to showcase the team featured alternating background colors (green/blue/green/blue) to liven up the page.

The risk with this pattern was that it could’ve caused a serious headache when adding or removing any team member... it would show repetition in the pattern (green/green/blue). Working with a developer, we used JavaScript to program in the alternating backgrounds. I re-edited the headshots to remove the colored background, making it transparent instead. Voilà! Potential problem resolved. Any time someone joined or left the team, the background colors would update themselves.

Even better: I learned to navigate and edit the Ruby on Rails views and partials so that developers didn’t need to waste precious time updating the page. I added and removed team members myself and pushed my code for review before another developer pushed it up to the live site.

An engineer and I paired up to program in these alternating background colors. I took the reins from there, pushing my own code each time we added or removed team members.

Ship It!

In early August 2018, we pushed the new site live. To get the rest of the company involved (and help us check our work), I led a company-wide QC event. All of our teams joined up to look through the site on their computers and phones in search of bugs, typos, etc. The two people who discovered the most errors won a gift card. It was a simple way to crowdsource QA/QC assistance as myself and the dev team had been staring at the site for far too long.

In September 2018, I recorded stats from Google Analytics indicating promising signs of success from our redesign launch.

Post-Launch: Putting It to the Test

Although these stats were showing good results, we wanted to test some of our assumptions that had guided us from the beginning – specifically the friendly yet professional design language. We hired a contract designer who delivered 2 alternate design styles for the Homepage.

I recruited participants for our research study via Craigslist (yes, Craigslist!) and we used a short screening survey I designed to target users by age, income, and FICO score demographics. After we narrowed down the list, 2 coworkers and I lined up 30+ phone interviews and completed 28 total.

On each interview, we showed the participant each design in random order, asking them to discuss their impressions of the design and how it made them feel. At the end, we showed them all 3 and asked them 2 major questions:

The results from these key questions spoke for themselves:


of participants selected my version of the Homepage as their favorite


of participants picked my design as the one that put them most at ease

In addition, we heard comments that validated our original design approach, stating that the site appeared “professional and personal” and “like a traditional website that has been reinvented”. A few participants mentioned that the illustrations add a fun spin that makes dealing with a financial service less daunting.

Although I don’t recommend completing a large redesign without testing assumptions along the way, my instincts in this case were close enough that we made the correct call in favoring speed to launch over extending the timeline to include early testing.

Our post-launch study also provided some valuable feedback that we acted upon in an iterative round of site updates. This included: (1) better highlighting of our partner companies' logos, (2) emphasizing our “no impact to your credit” statement, (3) making our team headshots more personalized, and other minor changes.

TL;DR Project Takeaways

As a solo designer, I was incredibly proud to have designed MotoRefi’s new marketing site from top to bottom. I jumped into it with some strong opinions and assumptions on how the site should look in order to launch the site as quickly as possible.

In the end, our team’s hard work paid off. Our post-launch user test validated our instincts on the design direction, with a strong majority of participants choosing my design over 2 alternate versions.

2020 Update: As I was leaving MotoRefi in late 2019, the team was in early conversations with an agency for a full org-wide rebrand. As part of that evolution, the marketing website was recently updated to match the new branding. The original site that I designed is unfortunately no longer live.

Thanks for looking!

Project presented
by Jenna

Learn more about Jenna
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